Let's answer some questions

Q: Are you a 501c3?
A: Yes! Our EIN is 93-4358030. Your donation is tax deductible!
Q: How long does it take for my adoption/foster application to be approved?
A: This can be anywhere from same day to a few days. We are a volunteer based organization. We try to process all applications as quickly as possible and we do check references so this can take some time. We will get back to you as soon as possible. You will receive an email or a phone call once your application is approved or denied.
Q: My application was denied. What can I do?
A: We may choose to deny an application for any reason if we are not comfortable with a cat going to a home. We love our animals as our own and we want to make sure we are putting them in the right homes with the right families. We try to be as transparent as possible and we disclose our reasons in most cases. Our priority is our cats safety and well-being. Always.
Q: I want an outdoor cat. Do you have any outdoor cats?
A: Most of our cats are indoor only adoptions. However, we do a lot of TNR work with cat colonies. Sometimes we do have cats that are "working cats" or "barn cats" and are more comfortable living life on their own rather than part of a home. Please let us know that you are looking for an outdoor cat and we can have a conversation about what we require for those placements.
Q: How much is your adoption fee and what does that include?
A: Our adoption fee is $100 and that includes a fully vetted, spayed/neutered kitty with any applicable vaccinations (based on age) and on flea prevention.
Q: Are cats tested for FIV/FeLV before being adopted?
A: Unless a cat is showing signs or symptoms of FIV/FeLV or came into our care with obvious open wounds or bites, no. We do NOT test our healthy cats for FIV/FeLV. We would test any cat that we had reason to believe could be FIV/FeLV positive. Click HERE for more information on why.